Sim Bay
The Sim Bay:
A realistic healthcare training facility that provides and supports simulation based educational opportunities and clinical learning for its users. Using simple or complex scenarios and incorporating high acuity, low opportunity patient presentations, the learners participate in medical and trauma resuscitation cases that reinforces clinical skills while also incorporating crisis resource management strategies.
The Sim Bay offers a video debriefing capable conference room where safe, reflective dialogue focusing on performance, knowledge gaps, patient safety and team communication can occur. The Sim Bay also provides a dedicated single bed clinical grade cadaveric training laboratory where users practice and reinforce procedural skills.
Room 3706.1 (Third Floor), Halifax Infirmary Hospital, 1796 Summer Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3A7
Phone: (902) 473-4791
Explore the Sim Bay in 3D here.
Monday - Friday | 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
14 persons
Notable Equipment:
- B-Line Video Capture and Streaming
- Laerdal SimMan 3G Plus Patient Simulator with ASL 5000 Lung Solution to run scenarios with spontaneously breathing supported on a ventilator
- Puritan Bennett 840 Ventilator
- Butterfly Portable Ultrasound with iPad mini x 3
- Ambu aScope Broncho
- Karl Storz C-MAC Video Laryngoscope 8404 ZX with S Imager and Titanium D-Blade
- Glidescope 15” CORE Video Laryngoscope with BFlex Bronchoscope
- KingVision Video Laryngoscope
- Airway Cart
- Arrest Cart with LIFEPAK 20e Defibrillator
- Arrow EZ-IO System
- Agilia Connect (Smart / Syringe) Infusion System pumps
- Hillrom Welch Allyn Connex 6000 Series Vital Signs Monitor
debrief room
cadaveric lab
cadaveric lab
cadaveric lab
cadaveric lab
cadaveric lab
control room
control room
Sim Bay Orientation Walk Through